Basal lip of peristome deeply receded. Nucleus of operculum spiral and then surrounded by concentric growth rings (Fig. Floridobia alexander The latter are placed in a small container filled with pond water. 60). (This character separates only the genera under consideration; genera from other areas of the world do not conform to this distinction.) A parasite that can cause fatal disease in people and animals has been detected in South Florida (South Florida Sun-Sentinel) A dangerous parasite found in the giant African land snails that. 128). (Fig. Aperture relatively ample (Figs. Shell medium to large (12-75 mm). Peristome ovate to subcircular. 35). Acad. Some species are dioecious with a normal representation of males and females. Fawn Melania 86). Definitive identifications may require anatomical dissections and reference to other literature. 89-91). These are white, which is the more prized color in. (Morelet, 1851). Thompson, F. G. 1969. Penis with 4-6 papillae along right margin (Fig. Last whorl not shouldered (Figs.155, 156). 38). Channeled Applesnail Body whorl uniformly rounded peripherally (Fig. It wasn't until 2021 the population was. Aperture free from, or only in slight contact with, preceding whorl. Penis as illustrated (Fig. (Thompson, 2000). Fingers crossed, it'll stay that way. Spiral angulation on last whorl obsolete or bluntly rounded and forming a shallow sulcus below shoulder of last whorl. Shell short and stocky. 15, 18). Blue Spring Hydrobe (Say, 1829). The Pleuroceridae of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. The author has attempted to simplify the key to include the minimum anatomical data needed for accurate identification. Amber to milky white in color (Figs. Black-crested Elimia) Elimia albanyensis (Lea, 1864). Small- or medium-sized snails need to be identified with the aid of a binocular dissecting microscope that is equipped with an ocular micrometer calibrated to 0.1 mm accuracy so that precise measurements can be made. Some species that are endemic to Florida springs live in environments with nearly constant temperatures and apparently reproduce continuously throughout the year. Shell elongate. About fifteen species have been described from North America. Slough Hydrobe Shell conical, spire moderatly high. The spire differs between bumpy and smooth but it is always elongated. Serrated Crownsnail Shell generally elliptical in outline. Shell discoidal, grayish-white in color; transparent when fresh. Apical whorls depressed; body whorl obtusely angular above and sharply carinated around funnel-shaped umbilicus. Similarities in appearance among the exotic species can make identification very difficult. Vertical ribs relatively strong and more widely spaced. Shell sculptured with prominent nodes overlapping suture and forming crenulations. 1963. Eight species have been proposed. Most other genera have received relatively minor attention, and their systematics are in flux. NotogiIlia wetherby 55). Widely umbilicate. Pomacea paludosa, common name the Florida applesnail, is a species of freshwater snail with an operculum, an aquatic gastropod mollusk in the family Ampullariidae, the apple snails . (Clench, 1925). There have been introductions of this species into Argentina, the Atlantic Islands, Australia, Chile, Haiti, Mexico, New Zealand, and . (Vail, 1979). Haitia pomilia pomilia Sides of spire straight-sided in outline. Micromenetus brogniartiana Adult shell without lamella on interior walls of aperture. Freshwater snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of North America. Shell usually planispiral, but two species may have a flat-topped, elevated spire. Shell usually opaque in adults, with a dark red callus inside the lip (Fig. Penis with 2 or 3 papillae on left margin (Fig. Florida. Applesnails are tropical to subtropical organisms and cannot survive below 50F in the winter (Florida DOACS, 2002). The horntail snail belongs to the genus Macrochlamys (family Ariophantidae), which has over a hundred described species distributed from South to Southeast Asia and southern China (Pholyotha et al. Clench, W.J. The basic shell morphology of the PLANORBIDAE is left-handed, or sinistral (FIGS. Aquatic; moves by gliding motion. Elimia doolyensis 3:51. Body whorl rounded (Fig. Shell elongate, thin, transparent, grayish. 34, 35) (Pomatiopsis, Fig. Graphite Elimia It is represented in North America by Viviparus. Evolution has proceeded primarily through reproductive and trophic specializations. Umbilicus open. RELATED: Proof of megalodon extinction is in their teeth, scientists say. Elimia floridensis ssp. Bugle Sprite Viviparus georgianus Operculum spiral, consisting of two or more rapidly increasing whorls (Fig. Baker, F.C. Their color varies from red-orange, to pink, to a blue purple. Click on the link in the row that best matches your snail. 36); males with a copulatory appendage, a penis (Fig. The primary differences between the two families are based on soft anatomy. 16, 29). Prepared by Fred G. Thompson, Fmr. Florida's . Click on the link in the row that best matches your snail. (Fig. A press release sent from FDACS said that a gastropod enthusiast in Coconut Grove discovered the snail and sent it to the University of Florida for identification. Florida Flatcoil: Golden Zachrysia: Zachrysia provisoria (L. Pfeiffer, 1858) Gastrocopta pellucida (L. Pfeiffer, 1841) Zonitoides arboreus (Say, 1817) Garden Zachrysia: Slim Snaggletooth: Quick Gloss: Mesomphix globosus (MacMillan, 1940) Hawaiia minuscula (A. Binney, 1841) Mesodon thyroidus (Say, 1817) Globose Button: Minute Gem: White-lip Globe Choctawhatchee Pebblesnail) Somatogyrus sp. Shell coiled to the left, with the aperture on the left side (Figs.147-158). . Sci. 70). This will lead you to the final choice which identifies the snail. (Thompson, 1968). Whorls flat-sided with suture weakly impressed. Accessory crest present. Now officially known as simply a Snail Kite, the subspecies from Florida and Cuba (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) formerly known as the Everglade Snail Kite was listed as endangered in 1967.The range of the Florida population of Snail Kites is restricted to watersheds in the central and . Female shell about 3.5-4.0 mm long (Fig. Shell elongate conical, spire high. Aperture large, oval, much more than half the length of shell. POMATIOPSIDAE Snails in wild populations range in shell color from yellow to brownish-black, and may contain stripes or dimpling. Penis with a dense pattern of superior tubercles. Shell conical, thick, opaque. Papilla with a duct that leads to a blind caecum in nape of snail. However, formalin is an excellent fixative for short-term preservation. Thompson, F.G. 1979. Florida Cone (Family) Conidae Distinguishing Characteristics: The Cones are easily identified by the distinctive cone-like shape and a long aperture that reaches up to their shoulder. Shell conical; thin and transparent; 4.0-4.5 strongly arched whorls. Shell rounded at the periphery (Figs. Spiral sculpture absent. Lower margin of aperture advanced beyond upper margin so that plane of aperture slopes posteriorly when viewed from the side (Figs.189-193). Aperture trapezoidal in shape; spire more robust, straight sided; with a shallower suture; parapical crest large (Fig. University of Florida scientists say the nightmarishly named "rat lungworm" has been found in multiple species of snails in the Miami area, including the invasive giant African snail. The Junonia is seldom found, and is considered a special find by beachcombers. Operculum neomelanian, with a small, rapidly expanding nucleus located near the basal margin (Fig. 4, 5). Inferior crest absent. 41-43). Ponderous Siltsnail Height of shell about 23-26 mm (Figs. Sculptured with fine incremental striations and a few fine spiral striations (difficult to distinguish except with transmitted light). (Thompson, 1968). Banded Mysterysnail Spire short and compact, about 0.5-0.7 times height of aperture in mature specimens, proportionally longer in juveniles (Fig. 201, 207). Adult size small, about 12-16 mm long (Fig. Penis with 5-15 papillae along right margin arranged in 1-2 rows (Fig. (Pfeiffer, 1839). The manual treats only those genera that occur in freshwater. Two species occur in Florida. Shell conical or cylindric-conical; light to dark brown. In parthenogenetic organisms each population is inbred in the strictest genetic sense, and frequently a population will have minor characteristics that distinguish it from others. You can also navigate through the images by clicking on the arrows near the left and right edges of the enlarged view. Apex with fine radial striations (Figs. 136, 138). 87). The profile of the whorls and their comparative size can also help determine the species. Carib Fossaria Walkerana, 1: 81-365. Marisa cornuaurietus (Frauenfeld, 1863). One species, Spilochlamys turgida (Thompson, 1969), the Pumpkin Siltsnail (Fig. Lyogyrus retromargo Amnicola is a widespread genus in temperate North America. Define Invasive Species: must have ALL of the following -. Basch (1963) recognized five valid species. Aperture broadly ovate in shape; parietal wall weakly in contact or solute from body whorl; whorls more prominently arched and with a deeper impressed suture. Suture simple, not crenulated. Marginal teeth of radula trapezoidal with well-differentiated cusps. (Thompson, 1968). It matters not that the specimens are stored in 70 percent alcohol after having been fixed in formalin. Nautilus, 97: 68-69. Shell larger, thicker, and opaque; spire 0.9-1.3 times length of aperture; with more than 4.2 whorls; penis flagellum with glandular crests. Haitia cubensis (Thompson, 1968). 111). 1962. Shell cylindric-conical, solid opaque; 4.5-4.9 moderately rounded whorls. Elimia dickinsoni 2015; Agudo-Padron 2018). Brackish-water genera, Onobops and Heleobops, that are common in Florida are omitted. Whorls rounded, not carinate above; occasionally angular below. Penis with some superior tubercles fused into a U-shaped crest; parapical crest raised on a fleshy pedicel; accessory crest and inferior crest usually present (Fig. Aphaostracon chalarogyrus Whorls of spire pointed and scalariform (steplike with nearly flat shoulders and deep sutures). NERITIDAE (Fig. 7-9). The shell are secondarily useful for identification, but only when supplemented with anatomical information. Shell thin, fragile, very much depressed, less than 0.25 times as high as long. Sculpture consisting of incremental striations only. Embryonic shell with fine vertical ribs and a heavy spiral chord on periphery and two basal spiral chords (Fig. Shell sculptured with very fine, uniformly spaced axial threads (Figs.168-170). From a distance, the snail kite generally resembles a medium-sized hawk with broad wings. 131). 105, 106). The reader will discover how very little we know about any genus occurring in Florida. Hello Bruce. The Snail Kite uses its slender, curved bill to extract its primary prey, the apple snail, from its shell. 5). Common name: Florida applesnail Taxonomy: available through Identification: This species is the largest freshwater gastropod native to North America (Burch 1982). Most snails will have a conical shaped shell. Rotund Mysterysnail 6). 170). Two genera of North American freshwater snails: Marstonia Baker, 1926 resureected to generic status, and Floridobia, new genus (Prosobranchia, Hydrobiidae, Nymphophilinae). Photo: University of Florida. Vas deferens the only duct present in penis (Fig. Apex in about middle of shell. Work through the questions, each time choosing the characteristic that best matches your snail from the two choices. The shell characters given above for separating the families apply only to Florida species. Shell moderately large, 3.7-4.5 mm long; spire 1.00-1.35 times length of aperture; shell with 4.8-5.4 whorls. It was well received, and it served the interests and needs of many people. Ovate Campeloma 15). Whorls 4.6-5.3. Giant Snails Invading Florida, "Major Threat" to Crops. 75, 76). Shell thick and solid; whorls weakly convex or flattened (Figs. Nautilus, 19: 34. 1982. CLICK ON EACH PHOTO Fallen Angel Wing -Atlantic Mud Piddock Boring Angel Wing- Striate Piddock Rice Olive 170, 173). They are variable in their shell characteristics, and some samples may be difficult to identify. Suture weakly impressed. Sculpture above periphery of whorls consisting of sharp spiral chords and distinct vertical ribs; shell attenuate. This is not the first time Florida has dealt with an invasion of giant snails. 7 new spider species . Inferior crest usually present. Umbilicus variable. Size small, discoidal, adults seldom exceeding 4 mm in width. Frequently the shells of ampulariids and viviparids are very similar. Whorls generally arched. Shell without conical spines, although spiral threads may be present. (Walker, 1925). Browse and enjoy! Thin and translucent or transparent. Shell sculptured with fine spiral threads. Aperture elliptical and loosely attached to or slightly separated from preceding whorl; 4.5-4.9 whorls. 98). In 2011, a population of the pests was discovered in Miami-Dade County. Burch, J.B. 1989. Shell translucent. (Thompson, 1968). Sculpture consisting of axial striations only (Fig.147). One species, C. chinensis malleatus (Reeve, 1863) (Fig. Umbilicus of shell closed. Newborn shells white. Fenney Spring Hydrobe 1956. Base of shell with dark red spiral band. Color often glossy reddish brown. 169). Shell large, 4.0-4.6 mm long; thick and opaque. Outer lip of aperture nearly straight in lateral profile (Figs. Last few whorls in large adults scalariform. Shell smooth. Pygmy Siltsnail) Floridobia parva (Thompson, 1968). EDRR Invasive Species. (Lamarck, 1822). Kites belong to the same bird family as hawks and eagles, Accipittridae. Only Elimia is found in Florida. Conical with relatively slender whorls. Shell highly variable in shape; freshwater forms olivaceous or brown; adults with about 4.5-6.0 whorls; about 3.5-4.5 mm long (Fig. Floridobia fraterna 112), occurs in the Ocmulgee River system in Georgia. Thompson, F. G. & R. Hershler. Apex nearly straight-sided or concave in outline. It has many colorful stripes, colors, and bands on its shell which are usually orange, light orange, dark orange, or yellow. 119). Apex flat with narrow threadlike keel. Clench, W.J., & S. L. H. Fuller. This family includes four North American genera, Amnicola, Dasyscia, Colligyrus and Lyogyrus, and the European genus Marstoniopsis and some Asian genera. Aperture of shell closed by an operculum (snail must be collected live because the operculum is lost soon after death). Overshadowing this genetic divergence are frequent examples of convergent evolution of similar adult shell characters among distantly related species. Florida Applesnail Campeloma geniculum Those had gray-brown flesh. Mantle mottled with black spots and blotches. Penis with papillae along right margin (Figs. Aperture non-operculate; mantle cavity modified into a lung. Outer lip of aperture with a thick callus on inner surface. Females ovoviviparous or oviparous. common name: tree snails of Florida scientific name: Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Bulimulidae Introduction - Identification - Key to the Bulimulidae of Florida - Selected References Introduction (Back to Top) Many snails are found in trees, but only a few are exclusively arboreal for most or all of their life cycle. 1934. Review of the Planorbidae of Florida with notes on other members of the family. Aphaostracon asthenes In the USA, it was first identified in New Orleans in 1939, but now is found in the Gulf Coast states from Florida to Texas, as well as in Puerto Rico and Hawaii. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Snails have invaded some local areas throughout northern Santa Rosa and Escambia Counties this summer. (Fig. Medium- to large-sized tropical freshwater snails. Mihalcik, E. L. & F. G. Thompson. Outer lip of aperture arched forward (Figs. This causes problems in species identification and yield an undermeasure of the actual number of species that exist in nature. Shell brightly banded and with large, wide and wavey vertical folds; robust, usually 21-25 mm long (Fig. Base of shell open when viewed from below, showing most of preceding whorl due to curved basal lip (Fig. 60). Shell transparent or opaque. Planorbella scalaris Shell grayish-white. Hebetancylus excentricus Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, (456): 1-6. An invasive, giant snail species, that can also lead to outbreaks of meningitis, has been found in New Port Richey. Shell specimens should be cleaned and air-dried. (Thompson, 2000). Ecology: This large snail is found in freshwater lakes, rivers, streams, ponds and ditches, preferring slow-moving water. Gray to brownish-yellow in color. Melanoides turricula Sculpture consisting of distinct spiral striations and threads superimposed on growth striations (Fig. Adults about 15-18 mm wide with about 5.5 whorls (Figs.183-185). They have been found in extremely high numbers in some crop fields, including corn, cotton, and peanuts, in home gardens, and around farm . Formalin does not even serve as a good fixative or preservative for long-term anatomical studies. Three occur in Florida. Females with live embryos in brood pouch in mantle; males with right eye stalk modified as a penis. Apical whorls raised to form a point on top of spire. Shell unicolor brown, never mottled with reddish spots. Identification Damage from snail and slug pests appears as oblong, irregular holes at both the margin and the center of leaves and flowers. Suture relatively deep, Whorls of spire rounded. Identification KeysThese files are all keys for the identification of various kinds of organisms. Shell usually squarish or rectangular in shape. 109a, 109b). 120). Seminole Siltsnail 149). Shell variable in shape. Columellart margin of aperture not flat-faced; apex of shell usually entire; penis with large terminal lobe on left side and small appendage-like flagellum on right margin (Fig. Do not use tap water since copper ions from the plumbing system may contaminate the tap water and kill the snails prematurely. One species occurs naturally in Florida, and three others have been introduced. 62). Shell of various shapes and sculpture. Central tooth of radula with long basocones along base (Fig. Shell more slender and attenuate; spire more elongate in adults, about 0.7- 1.0 times height of aperture. As was anticipated, further work on the systematics of the southeastern freshwater snail fauna created the need for subsequent revision in 1999, and for this updated version. Olive NeriteNeritina usnea(Reding, 1798). Green Cove Springsnail (Thompson, 1968). Apex suppressed to form a nearly flat plane with the peripheral angle (Figs.165-167). 174-176). The LIOPLACINAE is endemic and include Campeloma, Lioplax, and Tulotoma. 75). Biomphalaria havanensis This genus of minute freshwater snails is endemic to the Florida peninsula. Paper fig A Florida Gulf Coast specialty shell! Florida announced on Wednesday it has eradicated the African giant land snail - an invasive species that can destroy homes and infect people with meningitis - for the second time. Knobby Elimia Spiral sculpture absent. Shell cylindric-conical with 4.5-5.0 whorls. Transparent white (Fig. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has mapped out a . Length of shell 2.0-2.4 mm (Fig. (Lea, 1834). Spiral angulation on whorls sharp and prominent in juveniles, usually becoming convex-rounded or smooth on last whorl in adults. Mimic Pondsnail This family contains twelve genera in North America. Size: 2-4 cm. Its brown spotted exterior provides camouflage, making it a challenge to spot. Sexes not conspicuously dimorphic in size. Spiral or costate sculpture usually present. Shell with 3-4 whorls. The other three forms, C. limum (Anthony, 1860), C. floridense Call,1866 and C. parthenum Vail, 1979, are exclusively apomictic parthenogens and have been separated on the basis of aperture coloration, embryonic shell coloration, and contour of the outer lip (Vail 1979a). Shell relatively thin. Shell very thin, fragile, transparent. The focus on most investigations was on rivers north of Florida, and little attention was given to the Florida fauna. Adams, 1841). Until recently the entire knowledge of the Florida freshwater snail fauna was based on miscellaneous papers dealing with single species, groups of closely related species or single river systems. Campeloma floridense Since then a great amount of fieldwork has taken place throughout Florida, and many additions to the fauna have come to light. Dasyscia franzi 100). Prominent vertical ribs on middle and upper whorls. 159, 162, 165). Operculum nearly multispiral with four large, slowly expanding whorls (Fig. A little practice may be necessary to perfect this relaxing procedure. Penis simple, elongate-conical, without papillae (Fig. Shell planispiral, adults large, 35-50 mm (Figs. Planorbis alabamensis and dilatatus in the Floridian Pliocene. Operculum tightly coiled with four slowly expanding whorls (Figs. Most have monotonously simple, conical or depressed-conical shells that are nearly devoid of taxonomically useful characteristics. Laevapex fuscus Aperture comma-shaped, tightly appressed against preceding whorl. Four species currently are recognized, but the genus has received very little study over most of its range. Peristome complete around aperture. Thompson, F.G. 1968. (Fig.114). The genus Viviparus (Viviparidae) in North America. Umbilicus closed. Shell usually with raised spiral threads around periphery, frequently the uppermost thread has conical or triangular spines (Figs. 16, 22-28). Penis with 3 I 0 small papillae around base and 7-15 papillae along right margin in a single row (Fig. Some hydrobiid snails from Georgia and Florida. (Mihalcik & Thompson, 2002). 1, 2). After the snails have been in the fixative for a few minutes to several hours, depending upon their sizes, they should be rinsed in water and transferred to 70 percent ethyl alcohol. Aperture terminating below periphery of body whorl. Elimia floridensis The current status of these introductions is not known. Shell nearly smooth, sculptured with irregular growth striations. Shell variable in shape, elongate to globose; usually not more than 5 mm in length; apex of spire seldom eroded (except in Somatogyrus); 4-6 whorls; shell smooth (except in Pyrgophorus and Tryonia); central tooth of radula with basal cusps (Figs. Apex very short, only slightly raised above body whorl. For the purpose of completeness, the three parthenogenetic forms and C. geniculum are included in the key. 198, 205). Contents 1 Shell description 2 Distribution 3 Ecology 4 References 5 Further reading Shell description [ edit] Five views of a shell of Pomacea paludosa Shell with spiral chords or spirally arranged series of nodes. Miscellaneous Publication of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 6: 1-213. Shell conical or cylindrical-conical in shape; spire elevated; body whorl not disproportionately voluminous; umbilicus closed or open. Rock Springs Siltsnail Marsh Sprite Clench, W.J. Various species of Cipangopaludina also have been introduced from the Orient into North America. Each: $28.50 M-890 BANDED TULIP SHELL, Fasciolaria lilium A small predatory snail that feeds on clams. Penis with invaginated cave-like pit within U-shaped superior tubercles. Few of the North American species have been studied to the extent that their taxonomy, geographic distributions, life histories, and ecology are documented. Escambia Elimia Apex in the posterior right third, domelike and evenly rounded. The living snail is bright orange. Elimia buffyae Peristome complete around aperture. Red-rimmed Melania Blackwater Ancylid A synopsis of the classification of the freshwater Mollusca of North America north of Mexico and a catalogue of the more recently described species with notes. Shell about 0.38-0.41 times as wide as high and about 20-27 mm long. Wekiwa Hydrobe Shell with or without bright bands; with low wavy growth wrinkles; large but not robust, 23-28 mm long. Published April 18, 2013 Shell usually corpulent, brown or green, generally opaque, but occasionally translucent in juveniles. They are most common on tropical islands but occur also in cold regions, where they hibernate. 33); males without copulatory structures. Our beaches often rank at or near the top in the world. Shell moderately elevated, over 0.25 times as high as long. Shell globose with a relatively depressed spire; about 1.0- 1.2 times as high as wide. Penis with large papilla on right margin near base and one or two papillae on left margin near distal end (Figs. 81-83). (Thompson, 1968). Outer lip of aperture strongly sinuous in lateral profile (Fig. 82). (Thompson, 1968). Aphaostracon pachynotus 91). Bright pink egg masses are laid on . 49, 50). 118). File Campeloma 134). It can grow to a length of 16 inches (400 millimeters) and is easily identifiable by the left-handed opening of the shell - meaning when you look at the shell, the opening is on the left. Penis filament white. It is essential that clean specimens be examined under proper lighting to observe diagnostic sculpture characteristics. Freemouth Hydrobe In Pasco County Florida, a quarantine order was issued for people after the re-discovery of the giant African land snail, an invasive species that can harm to humans, structures, and wildlife. All snails in the subfamily Achatininae, including the giant African snail (GAS) (Lissachatina fulica), are regulated plant pests. When trying to identify the type of snail, the easiest method is to check it out closely. Lower margin of aperture not advanced beyond upper margin. Newborn shells brown. 135). Aperture loosely attached to or widely separated from preceding whorl. Creek Siltsnail The lightning whelk ( Busycon sinistrum) is one of the larger univalve snails found in Florida waters. State officials said the last live snail found in Florida before the Pasco . Most species are disc-shaped or planular, as is implied by the name PLANORBIDAE. In previous editions of the manual species of Floridobia were placed in the genus Cincinnatia. Viviparus contectoides limi, new name for V. c. compactus Pils. Operculum with concentric growth rings around nucleus (Figs. A taxonomic revision of the feshwater snails referred to as Elimia curvicostata, and related secies. 17, 29-32), shell usually banded in Florida forms. 123). It is most common in Southwest Florida, and northwest Florida. 12). (Thompson, 1968). Henscomb Hydrobe Umbilicus closed or narrowly perforate. Operculum paucispiral, with about three rapidly expanding whorls (Fig. Apex of shell slightly convex in outline. Outer lip strongly sinuous. Is non-native to the area, in our case northwest Florida Giant African snails can lead to giant problems. 197-209). Aperture oval, about 0.75 times as wide as high. Ancylid gastropods are small, fragile limpets found in most freshwater habitats. Spire depressed, much less than height of aperture, occasionally planular (Figs. According to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), the giant African snail, commonly referred to as GALS by invasive-species aficionados, is native to East Africa . Aperture ovate; broadly attached to preceding whorl. It is characterized by the lobed shape and glandular patterns of the penis. Others were new taxa not found in earlier surveys. Narrowly umbilicate. Florida authorities believe that the snail, native to eastern Africa, was reintroduced to the state when someone brought it home as a pet. Shell sculpture with incremental striations only. Flatwood siltsnail dalli Vail, V. A. (Vanatta, 1934). Shell dark brown. By Ker Than for National Geographic News. Campeloma geniculum (Conrad, 1834) is readily recognized by its obese, solid shell; it usually has a normal proportion of males in its populations, although some populations are apomictic parthenogens. Outer lip less sinuous. In Florida four types of Campeloma have been recognized. Bantam Hydrobe The species are highly variable, and there is no consensus regarding the number of valid species. (Dall, 1885). A systematic study of the Family Physidae (Basommatophora: Pulmonata). Shell ovate, smooth or with fine raised riblets; riblets usually on the anterior slope when present. Shell generally thin but strong; whorls of spire strongly convex with deep suture (Figs. Whorls of spire less rounded. Adult large, about 23-27 mm long (Figs. 203, 209). Freshwater mollusks of Alabama, Georgia and Florida from the Escambia to the Suwannee River. Our state park system has won national awards . They achieve their greatest diversity in genera and species in temperate North America. Pilsbry, H. A. Aphaostracon theiocrenetus Three species in Florida were introduced from Southeast Asia. It occurs in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Brazil (Figure 1) (Raut and Ghose 1984; Biswas et al. The beaches in Florida are perfect for shelling and beach combing. 11). Slender Walker Philadelphia, 134: 143-77. Six species are known to occur in Florida. (Lea, 1858). 116a, 116b). Radula with tricuspid lateral teeth (Fig. Aphaostracon xynoelictus Many have been synonymized, some undeservingly so. Endemic New World genera occur in Cuba, Jamaica, and northern South America. Shell unicolor, with distinct vertical sculpture in addition to strong spiral sculpture.
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