Damon says that he hasn't found her yet but he can't just show up without Bonnie. Stefan likes to give advice, help people, and comfort others who need comforting and support. As Elena attempted to shoot him with a vervain dart, Stefan tells her that he doesn't want to come back. And Jo broke just about everything in the living room. Klaus started using mind compulsion on Stefan in The Reckoning, to get Stefan to obey to his orders and kill two students, Dana and Chad. Much of Stefan's personality as a human transcended into his vampire personality, although his basic human traits became significantly more heightened. They exchange intense looks and Stefan finally surrenders to Elena's plea, pulling Matt out of the car. She also brought along Stefan to help with the dorm decorating and Caroline is surprised but still lets him in. Damon offers help and Stefan pushes him away as he says "I don't need your help." When Stefan gets down he sees Shane trapped, but he decides not to help him, because now the professor can understand what it feels like to have hope and then to lose it. Stefan and Elena arrive with Nadia to a old house, she tells them that is looking for a Traveler for do a spell where Katherine take her body. As he walks away Elena stops him, implying that she wants to say something to him but then she changes her mind. They younger Salvatore responds that sex wasn't good because they didn't care, it was good because she was crazy and crazy sex is always good. Caroline reluctantly agrees. After it is revealed that Alaric is going to let himself die, Stefan watches Elena break down and asks her to come with him. They lose track of Mary Louise and Nora. Maria thinks that Elena y Stefan are boyfriends but both talking at the same time telling that they aren't together, she assumed that for the doppelgnger prophecy. Stefan tells Damon that he wants Elena to try the animal blood diet so that maybe she can avoid hurting or killing anyone, something that Stefan feels would be especially hard for Elena. Stefan was also highly honorable, noble, brave, courageous, altruistic, and selfless, especially when it comes to the people he loves and cares about. And Stefan says that it was their thing. The Original sister also wakes up and starts arguing with her brother. Damon then tells him that Lily plans to have them fractured and they make a plan about having a fake fight, while Stefan distracts her and Damon can look for the last member of the Heretics. After some banter with Stefan, Damon tells him he'll run into a problem as the house no longer belongs to them, but to another person. Later, Elena and Stefan are collecting firewood and discussing about their secret situation unaware that Enzo is planning his revenge from the other side. By Katherine Pierce on September 25, 1864 (transition initiated by Giuseppe Salvatore) [2] The entire room is mesmerized with her rendition of "Hit Me With Your Best Shot," until Matt and Tyler enter. Carpenter (Formerly; Unknown)Nomadic Traveller (Formerly; 1920s)Allies Soldier of World War II (Formerly; 1942)Harvard University Student (Formerly; 1970s)Ambulance Driver (Formerly; 1990s)Immigrant Worker (Formerly; Unknown)High School Student (Formerly; 2009 to 2011)Mechanic (Formerly; 2012)Cade's Soul Harvester[3] (Formerly)The Cure (Formerly) Zach refers to him as "Uncle Stefan", even though Stefan looks significantly much younger. He's wondering how to get out silently but as he's about to succeed in that Klaus gets in his way. They both fight because of Jeremy's death and later Katherine gets the real cure and brings it to Elijah in order to show him that she can be trusted. Throughout Season Five, their relationship progresses after a desperate Katherine, trying to escape death attempted to throw herself off the clock tower and Stefan saved her. Brady shot Stefan in the chest, probably not hitting his heart and left Tyler with a gun and a stake to watch over him while Brady took Elena. They figure that there must be a third team in the race for the cure. Damon admits that he didn't do anything to stop Rebekah but he thought that if she takes it all of his problems go away and then when she really took it he realized how badly he screwed up. Elena is in Damon's arms. We're led to believe that it's baby Nadia laying there. After they have completely filled a pot each, their wounds begin to heal and they are released. She tells him about Nadia's been compelling Matt to forget things, and Caroline shows Stefan Matt's text message, calling for help with a K, she takes the phone back and they start talking about the strange behavior of Elena, Stefan tells her that Elena kissed him, they begin to realize all actions that Elena has been doing lately and then between the two realize that Katherine has actually possessed the body of Elena. However he says that he's sure that this filing system goes by birth date and he can't remember when was Katherine's birthday. Then the brothers are shown at the porch. Then Stefan attacks Enzo by clutching his heart but without taking it out. Born His best friend Lexi often brought out the more fun, light-hearted, playful side of Stefan's personality. She has shut it all off, including her feelings for him. They wander around as Valerie is well schooled in this area. In Elena's room, the door opens once again. The news is on. She adds that they're crashing Bonnie's college visit, as the professor who took over her Grams' classes teaches there and invited her. Damon jokes that when he gets Elena back and the whole universe freaks out for keeping the doppelgngers apart, Stefan should remember he's the one who talked Damon out of doing the right thing for all mankind, Stefan agrees and smiles. Going by flashbacks, it is evident that Stefan was also Giuseppe's favorite son, and that Stefan had a rather close and good relationship with his father, the complete opposite of Damon, who appeared to have had a rather strained and tension-filled relationship with Giuseppe. He often wears dark or black jeans with a belt with black, leather boots with a buckle. When Elena reminisced about their relationship to jog his memories, he even declared she made his bloodlust fade and he could understand why he felt different around her. When Stefan lost his memories for a spell, Caroline was the only person that he trusts immediately, upon learning about Bonnie's death, Stefan told Caroline that he would always be for her as she has always been for him, Caroline helped to Stefan with all his problems lately. When they arrive at the dance and begin to slow dance Stefan mentions that he has been meaning to apologize to Bonnie. To keep both him and Damon out of Hell, he flipped his humanity switch off. Stefan, quickly leaves Tripp with Enzo and goes to Caroline's dorm to warm her, however, she is not there. Back at Willoughby Elena and Elijah talk but Katherine appears and snaps her neck. Stefan is immediately able to "sense" Elena's mind and presence out of everyone else's minds within the entire school and he notices that her mind is significantly different then everyone else's, although, Stefan cannot understand why is able to feel this way towards Elena, who happens to be a complete and total stranger to him. She agrees and wants to use the tree doppelgngers so she can preform the spell and make Bonnie the anchor instead of Amara. As Katherine asks her about her body Stefan tells her that Damon only told him that he put it somewhere where is should have been long time ago. Their relationship has intensified to the point of being best friends. In the meantime Damon tells Elena and Rebekah (who has followed them and found them) about the time he had in New York back in the seventies when his humanity was also turned off. Because of this, it has caused Stefan to leave Elena's well-being and life in the hands of his impulsive, amoral and dangerous older brother, Damon Salvatore. Alaric is not happy to see him, reminding him about how he lied about being on the trail of a way to bring back Damon and Bonnie. This is news to Stefan, and Damon explains that he intends to teach Elena how to feed from humans without killing them, and that Elena needs to learn "snatch, eat, erase" now more than ever. He is drowning and waking many times helplessly with no exit. In the meantime back at Mystic Falls Klaus is in deep pain because Silas has left a part of the white oak stake in his back and now he's hurt so the original hybrid calls Caroline and she comes and tries to help him. He then told Stefan that he had tricked Stefan and had put vervain in his drink after Stefan had asked his father how he knew about Katherine and other vampires existing because "he did not raise his sons to be so weak. She tells him that he is better but Stefan tells her that he has to go, he goes and leaves her alone with Jesse. Before they leave, Stefan watches Elena do a keg-stand, to the cheers of the party-goers, as a last-ditch effort at irritating Rebekah. In the meantime Katherine takes Damon and Rebekah to "her" house. He thinks it won't work because he's never heard of anyone doing it. Giuseppe, hearing Katherine collapse, entered Stefan's room. Stefan was first seen as a mysterious, handsome and new high school student at Mystic Falls High School. Enzo mentions that he's a neck person and had to get a witch to do a locator spell to find Stefan. Caroline says that they can't compel them to leave because the locals are on vervain from the water supply and she asks what should they do. That night, Stefan and Valerie meet secretly and Stefan is sure Julian will kill him for being with Valerie. Stefan, already surprised that Elena had kept her difficulties from him, is especially shocked that Elena drank from Damon. Caroline leans over her mom's casket and tells her everything will be OK and she's going to be fine. When his boss offers to fire him instead, Stefan compels him to bury Ivy in the woods and forget any of this ever happened and give him a raise when he gets back. They go inside and Rebekah and Elena are trying to find out where the cure might be. This results in their initially stable relationship into an antagonistic one before she was captured and killed. Caroline interrupts them and tells him that Katherine promised to join her at the shredding station, Stefan is agrees, so she and Katherine leave him alone. While driving back to New Orleans, Stefan says he can drop him off a nearby train station and Klaus hands his phone back to him. Some time later Caroline and Stefan are still 'hostages' in the Lockwood Cellar and Stefan answers the phone, it's Damon who tells him something unheard. He even bribes her by offering her a clean slate, saying that while he is not necessarily willing to forgive Rebekah for what she did to Elena, he is willing to put his anger towards her aside and start over. Matt says he doesn't want to expose Damon and him- Stefan asks Matt if he is threatening him. Elena says he had her but he says, "I lost you the minute I left town". After making viewers think Damon ( Ian Somerhalder) compelled Stefan ( Paul Wesley) into letting the eldest Salvatore sacrifice himself to save Mystic Falls, "I Was Feeling Epic" delivered the . Stefan was also close with his mother, before she had died when he was 10 years old. At that moment appears Sloan and Enzo to do the spell, Stefan asks where is the antidote, but Sloan says him that he will have the antidote when they are done, Stefan is disagree and says he will do what they want but first he need the antidote, Enzo says that will take care of the antidote for Elena and Damon, one of the Travelers comes behind Enzo and hands him the serum, Enzo invite to Caroline to join him but she stays with Stefan while he goes through the process of "mind searching" for the doppelgnger. Katherine teases Rebekah by saying that she doesn't understand why she wants the cure, because when she turns back to being human all her enemies will come looking for her and will want vengeance. Stefan tells Elena that Forbes is suffering from a cancerous tumor and it sends her into shock and concern for her friend. As a ripper Stefan is prone to losing control when drinking human blood, making him stronger and emotionally unstable even to the point where Damon, an older vampire, feared him. With vampire speed, Stefan grabs Connor and leaves. After that Stefan calls Klaus to come to the Salvatore boarding house where the original hybrid meets with Caroline and starts pissing her off. Elena, Katherine, and Amara gather up and Qetsiyah starts preforming the spell but Silas interrupts them and because of his magic the lights in the house go down. In reality, Stefan is the first to get out of the stone and he tells Matt, Bonnie and Caroline that he had to let go to get out. Stefan stays to watch over Alaric and he tells him in regards to Elena, "No matter what I go through to get her backnone of that matters if she has feelings for somebody else." Stefan tells her that she's a 17-year-old girl and none of this is her fault.
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